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How to Keep Your Laptop Nice and Clean

Laptops have become essential devices that many people rely on for their personal and professional activities. Therefore, such devices must be cared for so that they can last a long time. Further, a user wouldn’t want their device to stop function, especially when needed. With a bit of effort and adherence to some guidelines, you can keep your laptop nice and clean and prevent it from failing you without warning – the following steps will make sure you can keep it functional.

1. No Liquid and Food Near Your Laptop

The fastest way to destroy your laptop and make it fail on you is to bring liquid and food next to it. If you are of the habit of drinking soda or taking morning coffee while working on your laptop, you will eventually spill something on it – it doesn’t matter how careful you are. Once a liquid of any kind spills on your keyboard, it quickly most into the internal circuitry of your laptop. Slowly and eventually, it will cause a short circuit, which will render your device partially or permanently destroyed. Therefore, your best bet against spills is not to bring any liquid close to your laptop. Eating food next to your device can also lead to future problems. Food crumbs can easily pass through the keys and cause your keyboard to malfunction, or worse, attract insect activity, leading to circuitry issues. So, try to keep food far away from laptops at all times.

2. No Animals Allowed Near Your Laptop

If you have animals within your home, you should never leave your laptop unattended. The fur from animals can easily build up within your computer and eventually damage it. If you are not using your computer, it should be kept somewhere safe as animals like dogs can easily knock it off tables.

3. Your Home is as Clean as Your Laptop

If you live in a messy environment, your computer will surely be messier on the inside. Therefore, you need to keep the environment within which you use your laptop clean so that dust and debris don’t build up within its internal structure.

4. Protect Your Display

Your display is your laptop. Without it, you cannot perform any function on the computer. Therefore, you must ensure that you protect your display all the time. When closing the lid of your laptop for whatever reason, always make sure that there is no object on or near the keyboard. A pen or an ear-piece can easily scratch, crack, or completely damage your screen. You should also ensure that you periodically wipe the screen of your laptop. Do not use wet or rough cloth. Instead, use a smooth material with an alcohol-based solution to clean the display. Also, ensure that your hands are always clean before using your computer.

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